
This is medium-flowering monoecious, French breed. On average it produces 500 kg / ha of grain in Italy but in optimal conditions there are production peaks of 900 kg / ha.


Suitable for both production of biomass and grain, it can easily reach 3 m in height. It shows a medium vigour habit with a discrete capacity of branching, This can cause difficulties in harvesting with traditional machinery and result in loss of seed. The oil content of the mature seed is about 30% of the weight. The average weight of a thousand seeds (TSW) of 16-18 gr. It has a good aptitude for biomass production which is around 10 t / Ha with a fiber percentage of 30-35%. The values ​​of the main cannabinoids are: THC below 0.2% and CBD around 2%. It is generally used for biomass and grain production. In this case, it is advisable to pay particular attention to the processing stages and conduct appropriate checks on THC content in food derivatives, especially where the tolerance is of the order of a few ppm. We recommend sowing with a density between 25-50 Kg / Ha.


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